WEek 1-ExpLore
Welcome Welcome Welcome Friends!
I am so excited to invite you with my whole heart into this space.
This space was made with so much love just for you to explore your own writing voice.
My Name is Arley
If you don’t know me I am a singer songwriter, teacher, mentor, writer, and sometimes poet
I wear a lot of hats…..
My goal in life is to connect people to their own joy……their own creativity……their own healing……through all art mediums
And here you are!!!
I’m so excited for you to jump in with me
This Circle is a 5 week writing workshop
All modalities of writing are welcome….
Poetry, Songwriting, Journaling, Reflection, Memoir, Social Media Posts…..the sky is the limit
You can move at your own pace
Come along with the group!
Each week we are going to be exploring a new theme or word…
This weeks word, is EXPLORE!!!
Check out the Welcome Video down below
Let’s get started!!!
Explore Script
Week#1 Explore
Each week I am going to be reading a relaxing script
Feel free to listen to it before you write or whenever you might need the space to open up a little more
If you can…
Find a quiet place to sit or lay down…..
I understand that many of us have pretty rowdy homes with lots of distraction homework, school, work, projects, chores…………..if you can, do this before bed that would be perfect……or shoo the distractions out of the door for 15 minutes
Gift yourself with a little bit of time to breathe it in
Week #1 Explore Exercises
For the next week we are going to explore our relationship to our writing.
By answering some of these questions we can gain a bit of extra focus.
Pick the three questions that interest you most and freely write about them….or write for all of them
What kind of writing do you enjoy?
Have you ever explored your writing as a craft?
What is the most challenging aspect of writing for you?
Where are you most comfortable writing? on paper? your phone? computer?
What about your writing feeds your soul?
What time of the day are you most inspired
Does writing ever feel hard? Do you experience writers block?
What stops you from sharing your work with others?
Have you ever dreamed of being a writer?
Have you claimed your name as a writer?
2. Lets look at committing to our practice today
This next exercise asks us gently to commit to a practice of writing for ourselves every day.
In Julia Cameron’s book “The Artists Way” she talks about morning pages
Morning pages are a committed writing practice that you follow every morning.
Committing to 15 mins or three pages of writing before you start your day.
I would like for all fo us to commit together to write freely and unedited for at least 15 mins a day.
Now this is going to sound easy at first……..I’ll be honest with you……..most of the time…..it isn’t…..
Our brains will find excuses to not do it……
Is it worth it to commit???
Not only will it allow you to freely play and experiment
At the end of this circle, you will have gained a whole pile of ideas for future writing!
It is a total accomplishment!!
Our confidence will shoot up a few notches!!!
Who doesn’t want that to happen?
Check out the Video Below!!!!!
3. Lets Play
Since this is the first week of committing to your writing practice I encourage you to give yourself some time to play around.
Write whatever your heart desires.
Play with the idea of writing poetry or prose or jump into a song or start writing down that inner dialogue choose your own adventure.
We aren’t looking for perfect, we are looking for practice.
Simple as that!
The main goal is to have fun and explore the inner workings of your beautiful brain
Julia Cameron’s Morning PageS…..
why comMitment to wRiting every day is importanT
“Good writing is remembering detail. Most people want to forget. Don’t forget things that were painful or embarrassing or silly. Turn them into a story that tells the truth.”
Extras to get you inspired
I’m going to be posting a few extra videos to help you shake up that inspiration!
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Luvvie Ajayi Jones
4 Lessons in Creativity
Julie Burstein
Here Is The Link To the Private Facebook Group
This Private Facebook Group is optional
If you feel like jumping in to share its the perfect spot for you
Its a positive private space for you to take up some room on this journey
I will be posting and encouraging through the weeks
Positive feedback and acknowledgements of bravery encouraged
Carry a notebook and a pen with you incase you get inspired
A phone on voice record also works
Pick a medium that fires you up or simply start free writing
Thursdays we will meet in a Zoom Room from 6-7 to chat about the week and share any work that wants to be seen
Sharing your work is encouraged but there is no pressure it can be a very private thing
I will be opening a private Facebook group just for us to have a supportive platform to share our work and encourage each other
You can share writing, make a video of you reading your work, Sing your original song……Share in whatever way fires you up
All spaces are free from judgement and scrutiny…..They are all held with the utmost integrity for every participant
(I know I don’t have to say this)……but any bullying or toxic behavior wont be tolerated
We all make safe spaces together
If you have writing you want to share but don’t want to share with the group you can send your work to me and I will hold the most gracious space for you
Please refrain from scrutinizing punctuation, grammar, style, etc this is a welcoming space for all levels of knowing
PS I rarely use proper punctuation…………………….dots are great…………it’s a long story
I will be joining you in the practices as well….ask me anything!!
I will be happy to answer any questions to the best of my ability! I’ll tell you right now…I don’t know everything so I will be asking for your help too!
Lastly Thank you for being brave and jumping in with me