Week 2-judgement
Judgement plays a huge role in our ability to claim space as a writer and an artist
This week we are going to deep dive into the voice of our inner critic
The voice that tells us
We aren’t good enough
We have nothing important to offer
What will people think and say
All of our art is worthless.
You know the voice….
This week we are going to find out weather that voice is the voice of truth
or if its actually a big lie…
Judgement VideO
Judgement Script
Let’s Get To Know Your Writing Voice
Use your imagination to start giving your writing voice a personality and shape. Go wide with these exercises.
The questions used here are not to be taken literally…….
They are for play and exploration into deeper parts of our beautiful minds.
1. Feel free to pick three (or all) of these questions and write a response to them how you see fit
Who is the voice that peaks through your writing?
What does it sound like?
Is it strong, angry, elated, joyful, scared, tentative?
What does it have to say to you?
Does it want to tell you a story? If so……What kind of story?
Does it want to sing you a song? If so….What does it sound like?
Does your writing voice require some extra loving kindness?
If your writing voice was your best friend what would you tell it?
How would you talk to it?
Is your writing voice kind or mean?
2. Lets Get Outside and Observe
Take your writing on a walk…look for simple things ie (a tree blowing in the wind, a car driving by, the feel of the air on your skin)
Observe how many ideas you can attach to the simple scene think colour, texture, light, sound, smell.
Feel into how your brain takes in that information
Are you falling into self Judgement or are you simply taking in….the information the outside world is giving to you
Allow yourself to write freely…..a poem, song, stream of consciousness with no expectations on outcome
3. Let’s Let Go Of Expectations
Just for today I would like you to try to let go of expectations around your writing practice. Allow it to flow freely and wildly, let it move. When we place expectations on our art we tend to block ourselves from experiencing freedom and openness.
Think Of A Few Expectations You Can Try To Let Go Of?
Maybe it’s the expectation of perfection
Maybe its the expectation of being incredible right away
Maybe its the expectation that writing should come easy and when it doesn’t we feel bad
Maybe its the expectation that we wont make mistakes
Take a few moments and think about how we can put so many limits on ourselves by creating expectations.
Today Let’s Commit To The Art Of Practice
4. Let’s Write A PIECE
This week lets start working on a piece of writing.
It can be a song, poem, stream of consciousness….etc etc etc…. Let it be wild and messy. Save your favorite small chunk of it to share with someone you trust.
Let go of the negative self talk and army of judgement……Sit With It…..And Let It Be!
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing ”
Elizabeth Gilbert
Your Elusive Genius
Everything You Need To Write A Poem (and how it can save a life)
Daniel Tysdal
Podcast and a poem
Here is a little podcast I made “The Gift” Its a poem I wrote.
The Poem is about how each and every one of us has a gift within our souls.
We usually don’t even know we have it.
It doesn’t always have to be something big….it can be as simple as a smile shared with a stranger.
If I could gift you anything within this circle it would be to have you believe
That you have something amazing to share within your heart.
Not everyone will get it
But that’s just the thing
It might not be for everybody
Its not supposed to be for everybody
The People who do get it though
Will be granted the biggest most gorgeous gift
A little piece of your heart
After listening…….
Name some of your gifts that you possess. Make the list as long as your arm if you like!!!!!
This Podcast can be found on any platform
If you can’t open this link on your phone or computer no worries
You can go to anywhere you get your podcasts from
Apple Podcasts
The Podcast is called “The Creative Journey” with Arley Cox
This week we took a little look at Judgment
Lets remind ourselves to be gentle in this process, letting go of deep patterning can be tricky
Keep up with the free writing YOU GOT THIS!!
Start thinking about a small step into sharing something if you haven’t yet
Start thinking about how you can celebrate yourself
Zoom Meeting on Thursday night to talk about the week
pssssst you are a gift
you deserve to be heard
you are miraculous
I am so glad you are here with us