Woman’s Creative Writing Circle
Starting Monday May 3rd 10:00am
Welcome To The Woman’s Creative Writing Circle
Hello and Welcome Everyone!
I am so excited to be with you in this space for the next 5 weeks
I’m even more excited to get started with you!
I will start opening up the content on
Monday May 3rd @ 10:00 am
This first week will be all about exploring
Please take you time working through the videos and the content
I will be touching in with you on the Private Facebook page
On Zoom every Thursday night for the duration of the circle from 8-9pm
Feel free to join in
If you feel like working on your own that is great too
This Circle was built with the intention of choosing your own adventure
First Week Of The Circle will be opened on Monday May 3rd @ 10:00am
All important information will fall into place after this date