There Is Something (poem)
There is Something
There is something in the air
That moves my heart
Moves my heart to tell you
There is something in my heart
That moves my soul
Moves my soul to want to
There is something in my soul
That moves my body
Moves my body to show you
There is something in my body
That moves my want
Moves my want to know you
There is something in my want
That moves my need
Moves my need to try
There something in my need
That moves my heart
Moves my heart to cry
There is something in my heart
That moves my mouth
And moves my soul to say
Don’t forget you are loved
Deeper, fully and more completely
Loved in every way.
Because today might be a day
That you need to hear
There is something in the air
(Way way out there)
Something in the air that loves you.
I’m whispering it on the breeze
Today....right now.....
In hopes
That your soul