Normalizing The Fall (Blog)
Normalizing The Fall
Five weeks ago I was on a bike ride With a friend.
I hit a big patch of ice....
I saw it coming.....
I thought I could make it across
I bit it hard......I went over......
Like a ton of bricks
I hurt myself
And my ego
And my butt
And my elbow
Everything stung pretty bad.......
As I assessed the damage
And caught myself looking to see if anyone saw....
Having people watch you fall
Is even worse than the actual fall sometimes.....
I got up as fast as I could
Trying to be cool......
Saving face......
I meant to do that....right??
Easing the air back into my lungs
Picking my bike up
Trying not to feel sorry for myself
I figured out the lesson.
Falls happen........
We all know this
Stick with me for a sec
Case in point.....
Last week I fell again
But not in the regular
Falling off your bike sort of way
I fell off the creative bike
I launched my creative writing circles.
All the way.....over.....
Or dominoes
Here’s what I learned
Falling is a natural part of existence
If we are trying not to fall.....
We shield ourselves from learning
We protect ourselves from trying
We stop the pain from happening
We don’t create new things
What if it fails????
What if people see me fail????
It’s freakin Scary!!
I can attest
I got the t-shirt to prove it.
If we run away to escape the fear of failure
We end up missing out on some really fundamental opportunities for growth.
Trying and falling is a big part of living
And the guarantee is that
No matter how hard you try
At something
We can strive towards putting all of the pieces in perfect placement.
Plan it out
Aim for the bleachers
And miss
And swing and miss....
And swing and get it.
And god damn
I’ve swung hard
And missed a LOT
At the end of the day
I’m glad I tried......
I’m glad I put something together
That was lovely and sweet
But ultimately
Didn’t work out
If we normalize falling publicly
We allow bigger spaces to be open for people to work that muscle too.
Even if the neighbourhood is watching after you bite it on the ice
As you try to untangle your pant leg from the chain,
Your elbow is bleeding
Your shoe flew off
You want to cry a little
Most of us know this feeling well
But we don’t talk about it often
It’s a tricky space to learn from
And it can be
Hard, vulnerable, and
Gosh dang embarrassing
The world we live in doesn’t show us a lot of the behind the scenes stuff.
We are usually getting everybody’s best version.....
It’s a hard environment to show up and say “I made this thing and it fell over!!! And crap!! that hurt!!”
The more we share
The more we understand....
And the more we understand
The more we feel less alone
And you wanna know what??
If you
Ever try something new
And you fall
And try to get back up
I’ll be cheering you on
From the front row
Wearing this old t-shirt I got
From a box called
“I’m right there with ya!!”
I will be offering the writing circles
Sometime in the future again
In the meantime
I have some new messy learning to do and some big creative spaces to re-jig
And I’m ready
Big Love