Falling Short (Blog)
This brown haired lass
Get the news
She was hoping for
Falling short....
I am very familiar
With this feeling
It takes a big huge bundle of
Vulnerability to show up to something
Knowing on the other side
A big NO might be waiting
And I have experienced this space
Often enough now
To work though it fairly fast
And come out the other side
With great heaps of clarity
Showing up with integrity
Showing up as yourself in your most vulnerable heart
In front of people who have the power to say yes or no
Based on your art, looks and personality
Is pretty dang gut wrenching
I’m not a fan.............at all........
It is all part of being an artist in any modality though.....
(No matter how hard I try to avoid it
It finds me
Hiding in the corners)
There will be a lot of fails
And No’s
And Not’s
And insecurities
And vulnerabilities
Not good enough’s
It all equals out to learning
And today and everyday
I’m learning so much
To all of my artist friends
Or people who want to be one
I commend your courage
Your great big hearts
For continuing to show up
No matter what
You are miraculous
Keep going
No matter how many no’s you receive
I can guarantee
Your art means something
And is more lovely and special than you know
People are very hard on each other
Find those gentle spaces in your own soul
Sit there.......
Take it all in
There is no one quite like you!
Your art doesn’t need to be marked or judged
It’s special because you are
It’s just that simple
Big Love