Grow Slow (poem)
Grow Slow
These words have been in my head
Last couple of days......
A reminder to move
At your very own pace.
So much that we see.....
Says we aren’t fast enough...
Like if you don’t do this thing
You’ll never catch up
So every day.......
I’m learning to (Grow Slow)
No need to be so fast
That you
Forget as you go
Life can be short
We know this to be fact
But if you rush the creative
You might feel a lack
Lack of “this”
Less than “that”
The feeling of trailing
Behind the pack.....
Well I say “It doesn’t matter”
If you love what you do
Grow slow with the moment
And it will grow with you
And before you know it
You’ve become a great towering Forrest
Because that slow growth
Creates roots below it
Roots that dive
And creep all around
A concrete foundation
Forced deep underground
A strong base to hold you
So tall and upright
Lets you shoot up......
And lift toward light
Grow slow.....
Grow slow.....
Grow slow.....
My dear
It may only last
A few days
Or a year
Knowing this is steady work.....
All the way down to it’s seams
It’s ok to
My Love.....
Sending so much love out there today.
This one is written especially just for you.
A good reminder to allow things to simply unfold.